Awareness Play Dates
Covid- 19 Must Haves for School
The new school year is well in swing, but there will always be multiple fears. Especially now with the pandemic, parents have reservations and concerns for their child’s wellbeing while at school. The fears of your child’s safety against the virus. The fear that your children will adjust the new strict rules. And also, the fear that the cases will get out of control, and the schools will be forced to shut down.
Having said that, what do kids need this year to get back to school routine and be safe at the same time? The list looks quite different to previous years. But small changes, can make a big difference!
1. Their own school supplies
It might be clever to send your kids to school with their own set of stationery and have them all labelled! This simply helps reduce the chance of spread of any other virus, not just Covid 19!
2. Hand Sanitizer
Even though hand sanitiser should never replace proper hand washing, always include hand sanitiser in your kids’ bag, or in easy access, so they get into the habit on their own of sanitising their hands frequently. This will help in case they touch their face unknowingly, so they can be better protected.
3. Face Masks
Face Masks have become a part of our life now. Whether we like it or not, it is one of the most efficient ways of both protecting ourselves and others. Let the kids choose their own face mask to make them feel more comfortable wearing it for extended periods of time. Just remember to have a few available so that you can wash them frequently!
4. Personalised Mask lanyards
These lanyards and cute and inexpensive. These help in keeping the mask off the ground and they also help kids so as to not lose masks. They make wearing a mask at school just that little bit more fun!
5. Clean school uniform daily
The virus can potentially stay on your clothes for extended periods of time, so it is clever to invest either in a dryer and dry uniforms quicker, or a spare set. Every day when the kids come home, they should change immediately into clean clothes and put their uniforms straight in the washer.
6. Headphones
If your child is one of those who is still learning online, now might be a good time to invest in some good headphones, that are comfortable and unique. It also might be a good idea to get wireless headphones, just in case children decide to get off their chair and wander, without pulling off the laptop or tablet!
7. Lunchboxes
The rules for kids’ lunches may be stricter now with Covid 19, so make it a bit easier by buying them a new lunchbox of their choice and offering a varied choice of snacks. Our favourite choice for lunchboxes is @citrondubai. Do you own one of their lunchboxes?
8. Keep them home if they are sick
It is recommended to keep your children home if they feel under the weather. It may be tough for you (i.e. needing to take a day off work), but in the long run it will help their immunity, by reducing their chances of getting sicker at school. Having said that, make sure you up your kids’ vitamin intake and make sure they have adequate sleep and vegetables in their diet to maintain their immunity during these different times!